How we do it
JCA works as a lead consultant or in joint venture with fellow consultants in the UK and abroad, taking the lead role in the briefing and design stages of the project. We offer a wide range of architectural services from providing strategic advice and undertaking master plans to a full architectural service.
We are first and foremost architects and experts in our field. A complex design brief requires a high level of expertise to resolve the technical issues. As importantly it demands the application of universal architectural principles to create an inspiring and considerate building. The majority of the buildings we design have private functions and public responsibilities that sometimes need to be reconciled and always need to be celebrated. Good design does not cost any more than a standard solution but it invariably needs more skill and effort – which makes it a better investment.
Our first task is to deliver the functional brief to budget and programme using all the ingenuity at our disposal. At the same time we must create environments that accommodate and encourage change, lift the spirits of those who use and work in them and contribute to the public realm. Useful buildings must be economically sustainable – effective and adaptable workplaces which conserve human and energy resources and are future fit.
Success is also based on a sincere and organised approach to collaboration and partnering, with our commissioning clients, the various stakeholders, end users and often special interest groups. The nature of our work means that we also joint venture with other architects and design professionals to take on very large projects or offer a one-stop multi-disciplinary service.
Our team is experienced in all the major forms of procurement and construction contracts and has delivered traditional, very large PFI (PPP) and P21 and 21+ projects. JCA is Quality Assured under ISO 9001:2015.