At a time when budgets are reduced and capital is scarce it is vital that any new project or initiative is intelligently assembled. It is our job to ensure that our clients are as well informed as possible, so that they can start a project, which may take years of development, from the right place.
We have significant experience of formulating briefs and development strategies. We have worked on the master plans for whole hospitals estates and new campus design.
This work is intensely collaborative and requires multi-disciplinary teams. Our experience enables us to contribute actively to any discussion on health planning, cost and construction.
JCA is expert at analysing the condition and configuration of our clients’ current estates to assist them in assembling redevelopment strategies that maximise opportunity and minimise cost.
We have prepared feasibility studies for a range of healthcare, university and laboratory developments in city centres, and on brown and green field sites.
JCA also has the ability to work closely with fellow consultants on developing financial models and assisting in the development of capital and revenue budgets.